
is not weakness;
it’s our greatest measure
of courage.”

~ Brené Brown

Amber Bouda, LCSW, CHT

My name is Amber Bouda, and I’m a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and certified hypnotherapist (CHT). I received my masters in social work from the University of Michigan and my training in hypnotherapy from Dr. Brian Weiss at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY and hypnotherapy certification through the Wellness Institute in Issaquah, WA. My Chicago office is located in the neighborhood of Bucktown, with access from public transit buses and the Blue Line. Although I am a certified hypnotherapist, I consider my masters level training as a social worker the most important component of who I am as a clinician. Hypnotherapy is therapy first.

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania in a small town (I’m talking two traffic lights) with a close family. Many of them were literal neighbors. Life was complete with small town values and local/organic produce before it was cool. This safe zone made moving away to the University of Michigan and later moving to Chicago to start my career such important areas of growth – despite tremendous emotional difficulty. My younger self lived life out of fear, fairly consistently. Fear and self-doubt were my ultimate (un)motivators for many years.

Expanding my willingness for vulnerability led me down new paths with loved ones and ultimately with myself. Growth happened when I let go and embraced ME – my strengths with my weaknesses. We’re all on a journey of progress, and I’m no exception. I strongly value my own experiences and lessons, and the teachers and mentors I found along the way. Growing never ends! Sometimes I’m privileged enough to positively influence lives on their own miraculous paths. This is why I do what I do.

Who I am as a Therapist:

  • All humans are equal. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. I respect your right to any/all gender and sexual identity preferences.
  • All feelings are valid. Every feeling has cause and purpose.
  • I continually work at keeping my office, my space, and my energy safe for me and you.
  • Hypnotherapy/therapy works well for both children and adults, but my practice is solely working with adults, ages 18 and up, coming to treatment of their own volition.
  • Learning and healing dictate my sessions. You dictate the rest.
  • I am spiritually open, and I welcome all faith traditions and beliefs into my practice.