Hypnotherapy is therapy first

Typically, there is a specific goal in mind. Do you have a desire to overcome a phobia? To lessen an intense emotional hold on your life? To reduce physical symptoms? It is fast-acting for individuals ready and willing to engage in the experience, and even more so for those ready to further the experience after the session with intentional review and healing conversations in therapy (and out!) Hypnotherapy is a scientifically studied and helpful psychological tool. 93% of clients experience their desired outcome within six sessions of hypnotherapy, as compared to 38% of clients after 600 sessions of psychoanalysis.* For additional information, please visit my Hypnotherapy FAQs blog post or contact me directly.

Hypnotherapy rates

90 minute session: $225
120 minute session: $300

Please be advised that the client is responsible for communicating with me about their insurance plan and is ultimately the responsible party for payment. I may not be able to use insurance for hypnotherapy appointments.

*Source: Barrios, Alfred A. “Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal,” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (1970)

“When I think about how much Amber has impacted my life through hypnotherapy, I am overwhelmed with emotion. We began my hypnotherapy journey with the intention to heal from the sudden loss of a loved one. I was frequently in a state of anxiety and dealing with a sense of impending doom. When I entered her office for the first hypnotherapy session, I couldn’t even fathom how much my perspective was about to change. That session healed wounds that had troubled me for years. I was able to walk out two hours later with the weight of the world lifted off my back and a spiritual connection that would change the course of my life. Each session had a different focus, whether it be healing physical ailments, self-esteem, grief, or anxiety. The fear when I first began hypnosis quickly morphed into excitement as I continued to receive tremendous healing in all aspects of my life. Amber tailors the hypnosis to align with your needs. The ability to heal trauma within my subconscious memories resulted in increased self-esteem, confidence, and a general sense of well-being.”

~ Client, Michelle