Therapy is a holistic process

I utilize concepts from CBT, DBT, ACT as well as mindfulness meditations throughout my practice. However, there is no one-size-fits-all, and I work with you to tailor therapy to your needs. Are you looking for monthly check-ins? A safe space to process or grieve a loss? Do you need weekly support with goal-directed activity between sessions? As my client, I encourage you to be open and to advocate for your needs.

Individual Therapy session rate

55 minute session: $150

I accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO and  Blue Choice plans in-network. I also accept HSA/FSA cards, credit/debit, or check. If you choose to use an out-of-network insurance provider, I will create monthly Superbills for reimbursement.

“One of the most valuable things I came away from our time together with was my own ability to “treat” myself (to self-soothe and to have sympathy and compassion for myself) in order to better navigate the ups and downs of life. I know that I came out of this year stronger and better able to handle whatever the future may bring me because of my time with Amber in therapy.”

~ Previous client, Miriam